Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More Than Enough

A good portion of this afternoon and evening will be devoted to preparing for the annual 4th-6th grade retreat that I co-direct at Kirkmont. This year our theme is "More Than Enough", so that's what I'll be pondering on and working with today. I think there are TONS of things in the world that we already have "more than enough" of, yet we still long for more. We've gotten really materialistic (at least in this country). I'm just as guilty. I find myself wanting things that I definitely don't need, and wanting even more of the things I already have. And in the midst of all of this, we miss the simple call: to forget all of it, and turn our needs over entirely to God. That's tough. We're not conditioned for that. We don't like to rely on others for our needs, and definitely not for our wants (because then we might not get them), but that's the goal that God has placed before us. And yes, the world would probably have a pretty major problem with us if we ever truly achieved that goal. But isn't that kind of the point?

Today I'll be working on relating this idea... this big, huge, almost incomprehensible idea... to a bunch of middle-school aged kids. Somehow I don't think they'll have as much trouble understanding it as I do.

So what do you think? What are some things that we have "more than enough" of?

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