Friday, October 24, 2008

A New Community

Those who have read this blog for any period of time know that I'm all about community. Not the cheesy, church manufactured kind, either. I'm talking about REAL community - the chance to really start to get to know some other people, to share life with each other. I've always felt that Centerpoint was this kind of community to an extent, but the truth is, my demographic has never been very well represented there (not that that's unlike the other churches I've been in). So when we started talking last Spring about starting a new small group for 20-somethings, I got very excited, to say the least. It took us quite a while to get it going, but we finally did. We met for the fourth time tonight, and I hosted it here for the first time. Definitely what I needed this week (it's been a long one). The thing is, I don't even think that this group compares to many other "small groups" in the traditional sense. It's just different. It's a very laid back group of people, and not "religious" in any sense. The only things assured at our gatherings are that there will be good food, good beer, and good conversation. I couldn't think of any better setting to sit and discuss God's word. After all, most of Jesus' ministry happened in homes, usually around a meal. I'm definitely appreciative for these people and the time we have together... looking forward to getting into things deeper over the next weeks and months.

And now... bedtime!

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