Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My New Toy (AKA The Steal Of The Century)

Ok, so this is admittedly a really nerdy gear-related thing. I'm going to talk about it anyways. I'm that excited. Introducing the Stompbox:

What is it, you ask? Essentially, it's an electronic bass drum effect. You tap your foot on it (as you might do on the floor anyways), and it sends a low frequency "thump" through the amp or sound system it's connected to. There are other products out there that do this, and I've known about several for some time. The most notable is the Porchboard Bass (which I've seen Christopher Williams use), but with prices starting around $250, it's way out of my price range. Ellis Guitars also makes one, but it's also $150 in it's lowest configuration. Again, out of my league, but I've really been wanting this effect for my solo shows and coffeehouse percussion set-ups...

...so imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon the Stompbox for less than $50! Now, I'll be the first to admit that it falls short of the others in some areas. It's metal, so it's sound doesn't quite have that "woody" sound that the others boast, and it takes some pretty hefty EQ adjustments, but it's totally worth it to get the sound at this price. No more lugging my big bass drum across town to play a stage it barely fits on anyways. This will also be a great addition to my solo guitar and ukulele stuff. All in all, a GREAT deal! The documentation that came with it implied that there are only 100 of these things out there, and they're handmade by the creator, so I feel very lucky to have tracked it down when I did. I couldn't help but share :-)

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