Saturday, March 8, 2008


Well, for the first time in a long time, the Columbus weatherman was right on the money. It's been snowing since yesterday morning, but typically we don't get anywhere near the nastiness that they predict: not so this time. There is definitely a foot of snow on the ground on this morning. That's no exaggeration. On top of that, it's still coming down! This gives a whole new meaning to the idea of being "snowed in". It's one thing to see snow on the ground and decide to stay in because of it, but it's quite another to look outside and think that you probably couldn't leave even if you wanted to. Looking out the window this morning, it's hard to believe that earlier this week I was sitting out on the patio with no jacket reading. Here's a picture of that same patio this morning (now, granted this was taken through a screen door with my phone, but I think you'll still get the idea):

Needless to say, it's going to be an "around the house" type of day, since the entire city is basically shut down. As a result, I suspect this won't be the last you'll hear out of me today!

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