Saturday, March 8, 2008

More Snow Pictures

The snow continues to fall here, despite predictions that it would end by 4:00 PM (it's now 5:35). It's quite a mess outside, and a lot of churches in our area have already canceled their Sunday morning services. We're still stewing on that one in the Centerpoint camp... probably waiting until the morning to make a final decision. For now, it's looking like another night of movies and computer stuff around here. The good news is that this has given me some time to work on a script that I'm in the middle of for church, and our internet seems to be back in full force now after intermittent service this morning.

Here are a couple more pictures of the "white death" (as we affectionately call it here at our house):

Our front sidewalk, shortly after shoveling.

My poor car - begging to be excavated.

The view across our front yard.


Unknown said...

did you get a new car?

Eric Frisch said...

That's my Dad's old car... he and I decided to switch a while back. It's not that great... lol.