Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Resting in the Stillness

I ought to be in bed. Really. I got about two hours of sleep last night and I've been up since 6 AM. I'm very tired. And yet, here I am, still sitting at the computer at 1:29, typing away. The truth is that I don't really want to go to bed yet, because I really love this time of night. Everything is quiet and cool and dark... very peaceful. I love that stillness. I think about the passage that we've all heard so many times - "be still and know that I am God." How often do we do that in our modern, mixed up, multimedia world? I would guess that most people (at least if they're anything like me), don't take time to pause like that very often anymore.

Sometimes when we slow down and rest in that stillness, God comes to us through other people. Today has been full of good food and conversation, opportunities to connect and reconnect. I needed that. The last month or so has been a total whirlwind. Since graduation day (June 15) I've spent just 11 nights here at home. I've been all over Ohio, plus into Michigan, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. It's been a great time, but also very tiring. Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually tiring. Today, I took some time to refresh. Some me time. Some friend time. Some God time. What a wonderful feeling! Why is it that we can't remember how good we feel in these moments days or weeks later when life is busy and consuming again?

I need to work on slowing down a bit, at least from time to time. I need to rest in the stillness and reconnect with my Creator. I need a "fill-up." I need a day like today.

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