Sunday, June 8, 2008


I wish I had more time to write on this blog... I'm hoping that once school ends (which it more or less has) I'll be able to keep up with more on here. As it is, my "web time" lately has been devoted to creating two new sites... one is a new design for my own webiste:

I've also been working on a site for Centerpoint's coffeehouse concert series:

I found a new web-design service called Weebly, which has been incredibly easy to use (if a little limited)... definitely an improvement over the software I had been using, and it's completely web-based.

As I mentioned above, school is coming to an end. I have two juries and two short finals and then I'm done. A week from now, I'll be completely finished with college... pretty wild thought. Overall, I'm pretty excited about being done. I've enjoyed my time at Otterbein, but I'm fully ready to move on to whatever's next. Even so, I'm certainly going to miss certain people and activities. The next few days will be filled with food, friends, and farewells... bittersweet, but I'm ready.

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