Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Sigh Of Relief & Simple Pleasures

It has been a very long, busy week (hence my absence from this page). Thankfully, the weekend has arrived. Granted, I've got a lot to do this weekend, as well, but it's still a relief. The last week of the quarter is always stressful, but some are worse than others, and this particular one was pretty bad. I've been writing papers, preparing presentations, rehearsing, performing, planning, and more of the like. Last night I didn't get to bed until 5 AM, got three hours of sleep, and then got up for a day that's ending, well... now. Despite all this, there are some simple (even silly, perhaps) pleasures that have gotten me through this week. they include...

1. Writing with me favorite Cross pen, even just a few words. I love the way it feels in my hand and the way it glides across the paper. That one's a keeper.

2. A full tank of gas. The kind that lets you take a quick drive to your favorite place in the evening before you start a 10 page paper. Which also leads to said favorite place. The chance to drive along the water and then across the bridge doesn't come often since I stopped working at New Albany, so it's quite a pleasure now. Put me in a much better mindset for the work I had to do last night.

3. A newly opened jar of peanut butter. Go ahead and laugh, but I love the way it looks... I love sinking the knife into it that very first time. Admittedly it's a short-lived pleasure, but definitely wonderful :-)

4. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel... which I can see now. There's still a lot to do this weekend and next week, but it's manageable. It's staggered. It's going to be ok. That's a relieving feeling.

...and on that note... a well deserved and long awaited full night's sleep. More tomorrow.

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