Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Saga of a Keyboard

Ok, so this story probably won't be interesting to most of you, but I think that the whole thing is rather funny (though it has also been frustrating!).

3 weeks ago I ordered a new keyboard/MIDI controller. I had had my eye on it for a while, and thanks to a generous refund from the IRS, I decided that I could finally make it work. So I ordered it. Musician's Friend is usually really quick with shipping, so when it didn't come in a week and a half, I placed customer service call #1:

Me: I ordered a keyboard last week and it hadn't arrived. Just wanted to make sure it shipped out alright.
Them: It says it shipped, but if you don't get it by Tuesday, call us and we'll ship another one.

Well needless to say it didn't come by last Tuesday (otherwise this would be a pretty crappy story, huh?) So I went ahead and place customer service call #2:

Me: You said to call if it didn't come and you would reship.
Them: Well, we're not sure what happened to the first one, but ok, we'll send another.

Problem solved, right? Wrong. This morning the doorbell rang, and I could see the UPS truck driving away as I got to the door... excitement abounded. Open the door, bring the box inside, cut off the tape and find... 2 shiny new Korg keyboards. In one box. Oops. Hence, customer service call #3:

Me: The box finally came but there are two keyboards in it.
Them: Wow, I've never had anything like that happen before. It looks like that's actually the first shipment we sent... so we'll try to intercept the other one so you don't get a third one.
Me: So what do I do with the second one that I didn't pay for?
Them: I'll send you a UPS label and you can send it back.

The thing that kept going through my mind through all of this is that they're lucky I'm an honest person. I bought an expensive keyboard. They shipped it. I called and told them that it hadn't arrived, and they shipped another one. Immediately. No questions asked. For all they knew, I could have had the first one in my living room. Not only that, it turns out they sent not two, but three (maybe even FOUR if they made the same mistake on the second one)! I certainly could have kept them all, and resold two of them (for great profit!) and nobody would have known any better. Oops.

In any case, the saga has (finally) come to a close. I'll be dropping #2 off at UPS tomorrow morning, and I have #1 set up in my bedroom and ready to play. Things work out in the end.


Anonymous said...

that's very interesting....way to be honest.......

my friend Alex passed away on sunday....on a sadder note.........

I wrote this

As a graduate of Talawanda 2 years ago, I can with full conviction say that you will never be forgotten. The person that you were during the 2 years that I was in HS with you was a bright sunshine within the dreariness of the THS halls. I never got to know you that well, but the few times I had a chance to talk to you, I immediately found out what and incredible person you were- a constant smile, and friend to all. Your loss has impacted all, even those who knew you but a little. I find comfort in knowing that you are with God and safe in His arms. Even though it is hard to see, God had a plan for your life, although brief it was amazing. Your spirit will live on in the walls of THS and in the hearts of everyone that knew of your name. I know that your classmates, and your Talawanda family, and your family in Christ will cherish your memories for years to come.
Love and may you rest in Peace with God, in Heaven, for you truly are an angel.


Eric Frisch said...

Sorry to hear about your friend. Thanks for stopping in.

Melissa said...

Ok so apparently I got really bored at work senior year and set up a blogger.com blog because of my google account and never used it. I once tried to cross over, and I couldn't leave my Xanga. Here's to me and change. *Toast* Root beer floats, this time around.


I was jokingly going to ask if you got another surprise package of multiple keyboards in the mail yet, and THEN, when this glorious little comment box popped up, I got really excited. Why? Because there he was, blue handicap buddy, right next to the word verification box. Seriously? Is that PC? You don't have to be handicapped to not be able to understand the random letter combination.

Also, is it bad that I laughed when I saw blue handicap buddy, and that I want to press it, just to see what happens? I mean, every other time I've pressed blue handicap buddy, a door has opened. I'm kind of hoping my garage door goes up or Little Bear's cage opens.

"Pencils Down" is finally over. 20 more days until Toby and I rekindle our love.