Tuesday, May 13, 2008

This is not the love of Christ...

Springtime has come to Otterbein College, and that can only mean one thing: street preachers. This is a sad thing. Now I don't want to be understood - I actually admire these folks to an extent. They are willing to stand up and talk about their faith and their beliefs to a degree that not many Christians are. They really put themselves out there, and it's a big risk. As a Christian, I should be excited about this, right? Wrong. The "good news" that these men and women spread is one of hatred and vengeance. They condemn the entire student body to hell without blinking an eye, and make impossible suggestions about God, Jesus, the Bible, and Christianity. A crowd gathers around, but not out of appreciation. Instead, these preachers are scorned and ridiculed, oftentimes by other Christians with contrasting viewpoints. Where then in this situation is the love of Christ? Nowhere. Jesus came preaching love, establishing a new commandment that says that even though we are all sinners, we can be made new just by believing in him. Nowhere in these exchanges on campus is that idea communicated by either side. Heartbreaking.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Things That Occupy My Time

I haven't been here in a while. There are a number of reasons for that...

1. I'm working on a speech. An important speech. I was lucky enough to be selected as the student speaker for Otterbein's undergraduate commencement on June 15. That's a huge honor, and one that I certainly don't take lightly. Which is good. Because its a lot of work. Right now I'm working with two professors from the communications department on content and such, and then I'll be working with a theatre professor on the delivery. Pretty cool. Lots of time/work.

2. I'm playing another show. After initially being told that I wasn't needed, I'm now back in the pit for Otterbein Theatre's production of Peter Pan. That's a good thing. I enjoy playing these shows. But again... time commitment. Not too bad so far, only a couple of rehearsals. Next week, however, we start dress rehearsals. Then we perform the show 11 times in 10 days. Crazy.

3. I'm working ahead. My summer is just a little crazy... The day I graduate I leave for a week of camp counseling, then pass back through Columbus for church/work before I go back to Kirkmont to direct music for the Jr. & Sr. High Camp. The following week I'm in Michigan teaching a class at yet another camp. Plus band camp stuff for later in the summer. Lots to do. It hasn't been easy to find time to work on those things in the midst of my last quarter of school, but I'm managing.

Speaking of time management... that's all the time I have for now. More sooner rather than later (I hope!)